There are always characters in books I adore and there are always ones I want to throw off cliffs for being stupid or just being all around jerks. This is a list dedicated to the jerks!

- Darcy from Something Borrowed - I could not STAND her! She was a horrible friend to Rachel and was just too much for me. I know she becomes redeemable later but I couldn't bring myself to even read more.
- Alaska from Looking For Alaska - I get it. She was a title character and was this mystical kind of chick, but to me she was annoying. I couldn't find anything to root for when it came to her.
- Lara Jean from To All The Books I've Loved Before - Another main character that I couldn't find something to root for. I loved the book but to me, LJ was very immature and someone I wanted to slap over and over.
- Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead - TV Rick, I love. Comic book Rick I want to throw a walker at him. Something bugs me about him. He seems like the worst cop in the history of cops.
- Kristin from Crushed - Pretty sure you're supposed to hate her. So Lauren Layne succeeded in making that happen. She was what you expected from a horrible sister.
- Dimitri from Vampire Academy - There shouldn't be any reasons for me not liking Dimitri. He's a great leading man, to everyone except me. Something about him rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the age difference.
- Eva Tramell from Bared to You - Another character that was just not for me. I liked the book well enough but Gideon over shadowed Eva so much, it was hard to actually like her.
- Chloe from Beautiful Bitch - I loved Chloe in Beautiful Bastard. When it came to her novella though, I couldn't finish it fast enough to move on. She became quite annoying to me.
- Avelina from After the Rain - I know I'm supposed to be sympathetic to her plight but I found myself again wanting to wring her neck. By the end, I was on her side but the journey was long.
- Bella from Twilight - This is probably the biggest character I've not clicked with. She was annoying and rather idiotic when it came to her life choices. Yeah, all ended up wild flowers and sparkling vampires but there was never a chapter when I didn't want to beat the hell out of Bella Freaking Swan.
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