Author: Megan Erickson
Publication Date: June 16, 2015
Published: Avon Impulse
My Rating:

Some things are sexier the second time around.
Cal Payton has gruff and grumbly down to an art...all the better for keeping people away. And it usually works. Until Jenna MacMillan-his biggest mistake---walks into Payton and Sons mechanic shop all grown up, looking like sunshine, and inspiring more than a few dirty thoughts.
Jenna was sure she was long over the boy she'd once loved with reckless abandon, but one look at the steel-eyed Cal Payton has her falling apart all over again. Ten years may have passed, but the pull is stronger than ever... and this Cal is all man.
Cal may have no intention of letting Jenna in, but she's always been his light, and it's getting harder to stay all alone in the dark. When a surprise from the past changes everything, Cal and Jenna must decide if their connection should be left alone or if it's exactly what they need for the future of their dreams.
“A super sweet, extra sexy second chance romance that will have you laughing out loud and needing a minute to cool off. Dirty Thoughts is right!”
— Jay Crownover, New York Times bestselling author
“Megan Erickson ratchets up the romance and sizzle in her sexy new series. The Mechanics of Love will rev readers’ hearts.”
— Jennifer Ryan, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author
“Megan Erickson writes hot, hot, HOT stories packed with emotion and humor. You’re going to want to read everything she’s ever written!”
— Sophie Jordan, USA Today bestselling author

If you read Make It Right, you met the rough neck brothers and father of Max. In that one, they gave a glimpse to how Max was raised and how he became the person he is. When I read them, Cal always seemed a little mysterious or maybe a bit closed off but something about him had me intrigued.
Cal Payton is like one of those candy's with the hard exterior and soft chewy center. On first glance, he seems like the guy that would beat your ass in a bar but when you keep looking, you see that he is fiercely loyal and has this superman complex. That is the best and worst thing about Cal. That, and Jenna MacMillan.
Jenna is the sunshine that was in Cal's dark and grimy world when they were in high school. It was as if Claire and Bender were really dating. (Breakfast Club FTW!) Speaking of, there is a little scene where Cal states that he doesn't know who John Hughes is. Of course a marathon is had because John Hughes is a film god and Megan must know this.

I won't mention all of the sad parts because they really get you. Pretty sure this is the first Megan book that made my heart ache so many times. There is something about Cal and those Payton boys that get me like no other. Though we don't get to see many of the other characters from the Bowler series, we do get Max and Lea, which was cute to see.
Basically what I'm trying to tell you all, become Megan Erickson junkies with me. You won't regret it. There are cookies, nerds, rough mechanics and so much UST (unresolved sexual tension), you'll feel it coming out your pores.

Megan Erickson grew up in a family that averages 5’5” on a good day and started writing to create characters who could reach the top kitchen shelf.
She’s got a couple of tattoos, has a thing for gladiators and has been called a crazy cat lady. After working as a journalist for years, she decided she liked creating her own endings better and switched back to fiction.
She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids and two cats. And no, she still can’t reach the stupid top shelf.

I have to check this one out. I love that youtuber, (your gif) who for some reason, right now I cannot remember his name. Ridiculous. He's hilarious!