Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.
Sadly we only have nine this week but nine is better than none!

Gone Girl - This book is a two parter and each part concentrated on the two main characters, but in very different ways.
Bridget Jones' Diary - The title says it all.
Looking for Alaska - Another character titled book and this is mostly ALL about Alaska.
We Were Liars - Admittedly, I didn't like this as much as most people, but characterizations were important and made the story.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone - Who is Karou? That is the question.

The Beginning of Everything - If it wasn't about Ezra and his groups of friends, then I don't know what it was about at all.
The Geography of You and Me - This book wouldn't work any other way. Even though there are other characters, the main two really drive the story. They are what you're invested in.
Attachments - This is a weird one because two of the characters you only meet through emails throughout the whole book. However, it works.
Geoducks Are For Lovers - This is one of my favorites because it is a group dynamic one. All of the characters are friends and even though one character is the focus, it works best with them all.
Until Next Time

They are an excellent nine in my opinion!