I'm getting this up a lot later than usual. I would like to say there was a good reason behind that, but truth is, Nikki has gotten me addicted to Scandal and I was up all night watching that, then this morning I got busy with the kids and simply forget before we went out, so... Keira fail.
Surprisingly, neither of us was up to much this week. Nikki has this school project where she has to make a children's book and it is absolutely adorable, but has taken a lot of her time, and me, well my cold was in full force most of the week, so I had many lazy days.

Tuesday, Sept. 23-
Wednesday, Sept. 24th -
Thursday, Sept. 25th -
Friday, Sept. 26th -
Saturday, Sept. 27th -

We're glad to see this feature growing and hope you'll join us and spread the word.

Have a great week!

Awesome week! I need to check out your top ten Tuesday list!