Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish

- This Is Our Story by Ashley Elston - I was all about this one, then I forgot it came out. Now it's going back on my list for this year.
- Dead Girls Society by Michelle Krys - Again, I forgot this one had came out. I feel like this is going to be the running theme between most of these on the list.
- Roman Crazy by Alice Clayton & Nina Bocci - I purchased it, looked at the cover, and then got distracted by something and never went back. Plan is to read it before March.
- Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by John Tiffany - Everyone talked so much shit about this my excitement for it just died. I'll get to it, one day.
- Spare and Found Parts by Sarah Maria Griffin - I'm a ratings junkie, so the ratings for this one seemed not the greatest, even though I loved the synopsis.
- All in Pieces by Suzanne Young - I have to, have to, have to read this. I've just be so lax when it comes to YA.
- My Kind of Crazy by Robin Reul - Another one where I got distracted by things. This WILL get read this year.
- Drag Teen by Jeffery Self - This one made me iffy so I pushed it out of my mind. But I still am intrigued by the concept.
- Idol by Kristen Callihan - This may be one of the ones I read sooner rather than later. I just have to be in the mood for some musical romance.
- The Smell of Other People's Houses by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock - This seemed great when I read the synopsis, but I haven't been in a historical fiction sorta mood.
That is one of the biggest reasons I haven't read any of these yet.

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