Happy New Year! Bye Bye 2016 and hello 2017! I for one am so relieved to say goodbye to that awful year. There were ups and downs, and even though there were more downs than ups, we made it through.
I know that the blog has looked extremely bare the last few months, I just got overwhelmed with the second half of the year, but like I said, new year. New rejuvenated energy and I'm going to get this in order over the next couple of days (weeks). There will be new reviews and hopefully back to some fun things.
Now last year, we did the Reading Bingo. I kind of failed to keep at it, but Stephanie didn't! She got through most of it.
Let's see what she accomplished.
1) Male Author - Anna and the Swallow Man, by Gavriel Savit
2) Male POV - Golden Son (Red Rising #2), by Pierce Brown
3) Finish a series - Morning Star (Red Rising #3), by Pierce Brown
4) ARC - A Fine Imitation, by Amber Brock
5) Blue Cover - Salt to the Sea, by Ruta Sepetys
6) Mutli-POV - Magruder's Curiosity Cabinet, by H.P. Wood
7) Setting you'd like to visit - The Secret Ways of Perfume by Cristina Caboni
8) Under 150 pages - Rappacini's Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
9) Fantasy - The Book of Life, by Deborah Harkness, Narrated byJennifer Ikeda
10) Read a Sequel - Shadow of Night, by Deborah Harkness, Narrated byJennifer Ikeda
11. Standalone - The After Party, by Anton DiSclafani
12) New to you author - The Land of Enchantment, by Leigh Stein
13) Re-read a favorite - Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austin, Narrated by Rosamund Pike
14) NYT Bestseller - A Discovery of Witches, by Deborah Harkness, Narrated byJennifer Ikeda
15) Historical Fiction - The One Man, by Andrew Gross
16) Horror-Thriller - The Cask of Amontilado and The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe
17) One Word Title - Alight, by Scott Sigler
18)Physical Book - The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeymi
What I didn't get to:
Graphic Novel - The Untamed
Chosen by a Friend - The Count of Monte Cristo
Monsters/Deamons - The Bane Chronicles
Retelling/Fairytale - The Bear and the Nightingale
Book with author with N - Nicole Yoon

Over this next weekend, I'm going to update that page and revamp it for 2017!
So look for new content soon and please bear with us.

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