Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Oh wait, that's not yet. Never mind! But here are some villains to tide you over until it is Halloween.

Where to begin? He rapes Tess, blames it on her saying she seduced him, then pretends to have have "found God" and "sees the light", as well as continues to ruin Tess's life till the very end. This is a villain who's punishment should have been a more painful and excruciating death.
2) Benjamin - All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness
Another rapist. And a complete sociopath with his methods of torture and experiments. His experiments were really sickening. It's too long of a plot point to explain why.
3) Amy Dunne - Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
I think we're past the statute of spoilers on this one. It takes a special kind of sociopath to stage a crime and frame your husband when you could have just divorced him. But Amy has a need to control people and if things don't go her way, your life will be ruined.
4) The Jackal (Adrius au Augustus) - Red Rising Trilogy by Pierce Brown
A bad seed since childhood. He ate people because he wanted to win a game at any cost. He's also a genius political manipulator and is often many steps ahead. Don't make any deals with this devil.
5) Kevin Khatchadourian - We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver
Another bad seed and master manipulator. Only his mother could see through him. Not that that helped because he still killed his fellow students in a school shooting. The story is told through his mother's letters, mostly of her reflecting on his childhood to see if she could have done something differently or if he was just bad from the start. I concluded he was born that way.
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