The Allure of Dean Harper
Author: R.S. Grey
Publication Date: September 28, 2015
Source: Southern Belle
Reviewer: Elisa
My Rating:

From: LilyNBlack@Gmail.com
To: JosephineKeller@VogueMagazine.com
Subject: You’re a flippin’ idiot
Good morning my dear, naive friend,
I hope you’re enjoying a breakfast of regret and sorrow.
Because you sent me to work for Dean Harper, aka a control freak in a tailor-made suit. Sure he owns the trendiest restaurants in NYC, but c'mon Jo, his ego makes Kanye West look like the Dalai Lama.
He's the type of guy that only hears the word “no” when it's followed by “don’t stop.”
Working for Dean Harper would be like selling my soul to the devil…and before you say anything, I don’t care if the devil has punch-you-in-the-gut brown eyes and an ass to match. My soul isn’t for sale.
Regretfully yours,
What do you do when your best friend hates your boyfriend’s best friend? Certainly not work together that’s for sure. But that’s exactly what happens.

Dean Harper, the youngest restaurateur in NYC comes home from visiting his parents out west and decides instead of going home he wants to see how his newest restaurant is doing. When he walks in and sees Lily behind the bar, he is not a happy camper. He pretends to be a customer and asks her for a drink, doesn’t like it, asks her to remake it, still doesn’t like it. Well, this doesn’t sit well with Lily, she gives him a piece of her mind not knowing that he’s the boss. He tells her she’s fired and that’s that and walks away. And this starts the hatred between the two of them.
You can basically cut the sexual tension between the two of them with a very very sharp knife and neither one of them will admit that they have feelings for one another. Jo & Julian keep trying to pull it out of them but with no avail it doesn’t happen.
Now don’t get me wrong, this book is not all about the hate, there really is a lot of love too but it takes some time because they need to get passed their own egos and stubbornness to find it.
I definitely love hated it. I hated that they couldn't be grown ups and tell each other what they felt besides the hate. But on the other hand, I loved it cause they were funny when on their own and when they were thinking about one another.
All the best relationships have a bit of hate in them anyway.

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