Misbehaving by Tiffany Reisz
Publication Date: February 11, 2014
Published: Cosmo Red Hot Reads from Harlequin
Reviewer: Barbara
My Rating:

Wanted: Adventurous, open-minded man willing to try anything…
As a popular sex blogger, Beatriz gets paid to have orgasms. So being on deadline the week of her sister’s wedding isn’t as rough as it sounds. There’s just one hitch: Bea’s assignment is to write a review of a sex position manual, but she doesn’t have a plus one to play with.
The good news: Ben, the one who got away back in college, is also attending stag--and he's as temptingly gorgeous as ever.
The bad news: Ben turned down Bea’s offer of graduation night sex five years ago.
The best news: He’s not planning on making the same mistake twice.
A red-hot retelling of Much Ado About Nothing for people who love Shakespeare but thought his plays could use a few more sex scenes.
A Cosmo Red-Hot Read
To start off with just whoa. There are too many emotions in this book but that is in no way a bad thing. Smart and sexy meets.. well hello, where have you been all my nights. You meet Beatriz. Smart, funny and adventurous girl who has a wild side she portrays through her job. Columnists never looked so good. Who would like a job that they reviewed sex books and toys? (waits for it) What? No one? (Cracks up) Yeah, it isn’t an easy thing to think of. Most of us would shy away from such a thing; I sure as hell would, but not Beatriz. She is open and out there.Makes the saying “ready and willing” mean so much more now.
Beatriz is heading off to her sister’s wedding. Ready for a week of dining fun, drinking and wedding details but at the last minute her editor calls for a review. Running from her house to catch a cab she grabs an unopened envelope from her desk of “things to review” and heads off. On the way to the airport she sees she has grabbed a book on sex positions for Generation “Y”. And boy the frenzy starts. She has one week to use the book and write her review… but she needs a willing partner to help her with this. Casual, no feeling sex is fine with her so she carries on. Once she is in New York and with her sister things start to happen.
Feelings from years before for a man she loved (as in, she wanted to have hot monkey sex and claim him in ways he only wished to know) in college swing back to her when she finds out he is there. A tricky older sister and the husband to be get Beatriz and Ben together again. He agrees to be her sex partner for the week. It’s just work. It may have started off as “Just Work” but as they grew in the space of lust and sex something wonderful happens. The love they once had comes back and swallows them both up. Cocooning them in each others arms again to never be parted.
This shows a love lost can be a love found. Even if it’s not under “normal” circumstances. if you follow this story from start to finish they grow on you. The characters are so real. You know this kind of thing can and will happen. I mean sex and masturbation are a “taboo” thing to speak of but in reality in this day and age women and men really could be just like Beatriz. Men everywhere would want to be Ben.
For me it was a fast, addictive read. When I hit eh last page I wanted more. I tweeted Tiffany Reisz about the love for this book and I would have to move to her “Original Sinners” series. She replied, “Warning: If my books were alcohol, Misbehaving would be a light fruity cocktail while the Original Sinners is moonshine.” Just makes me want to run out and get more of her books. Good hearty authors are popping out of the wood works as of late and this one ladies and gents is an all star in my opinion.

This sounds like it will be a blast to read. Adding this one to my TBR list and will probably hunt for a copy later. :) Thanks for the review, lovelies :)