Bad as in Good by J. Lovelace
Publication Date: July 29, 2014
Published: Strebor Books
Source: Author, in exchange for honest review
My Rating:

Teeming with dramatic plot twists and wickedly delightful erotic frills, a passionate story about two lovers struggling with heartbreak, heartthrobs, and self-fulfillment.
Many of us fall into unrelenting cycles that lead us to inevitable heartbreak, knee-weakening, nearly unbearable period of withdrawal where we curse our indiscretions and promise to do better next time. But why? Why do we do this to ourselves?
That's the question Erin is constantly asking herself.
Along for the ride is Tariq, a young man battling his past as well. While their romantic lives intertwine, they find it almost impossible to break free of the merciless beast that is love and its ugly stepsister, heartbreak.
At first, Erin's attraction to Tariq is like a drug addiction she can’t ignore, but as drama ensues and the ugly past comes back to visit, both Tariq and Erin realize how bad as in good love truly is.
When I received Bad as in Good I was thrilled to start reading it. It was outside of my usual genre, had an inviting cover and the story sounded like something that would hold my attention.
The opening chapter kept my brow raised. What was going to happen with Tariq and his woman? Man, I felt sorry for this guy. He genuinely seemed to love Deja, despite her recent actions. I wasn't sure he would ever be able to love again. However...
Well, you'll have to read it to see if he does or not.
Within these pages is a sexy drama, that kept me interested until the end. J. Lovelace added varying elements that, in the end, came together to deliver something fresh.
My only qualm with this title was that I wasn't a fan of the dialogue. It was stereotypical. Tariq to me - though jaded - was a strong, black man, however, it seemed like his speech was used as a device to prove that. Some of the things he said seemed to weaken his character. In closing chapter two he referred to women as "bitches", saying, "Nowadays, bitches ain't shit." I almost stopped reading there. It felt out of character and this seemed to be a trend throughout the book.
Had it not been for the language, I think I could have really gotten behind these characters. There are characters you like because you like them and characters you like because you know you're not supposed to. They were written a certain way, yet are well developed and I found that to be true here.
I loved the end and ended up loving Erin (Thank you, J., for that). This book took me on a bit of a rollercoaster ride. There were times I wanted to get off, but I loved the thrill.
If you're looking for some good smut with high drama, I recommend trying Bad as in Good.

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