Screwdrivered (Cocktail #3) by Alice Clayton
Publication Date: September 2, 2014
Published: Gallery Books
Source: Netgalley & Gallery Books
My Rating:

Readers back for a third round of the bestselling Cocktail series will enjoy a madcap romantic comedy about bodice ripping and chest heaving, fiery passion and love everlasting. Plus a dash of paperwork filing and horseshi—wait, what?
By day, Viv Franklin designs software programs. By night, Vivian’s a secret romance-novel junkie who longs for a knight in shining armor, or a cowboy on a wild stallion, or a strapping firefighter to sweep her off her feet. And she gets to wear the bodice—don’t forget the bodice.
When a phone call brings news that she’s inherited a beautiful old home in Mendocino, California from a long-forgotten aunt, she moves her entire life across the country to embark on what she sees as a great, romance-novel-worthy adventure. But romance novels always have a twist, don’t they?
There’s a cowboy, one that ignites her loins. Because Cowboy Hank is totally loin-ignition worthy. But there’s also a librarian, Clark Barrow. And he calls her Vivian. Can tweed jackets and elbow patches compete with chaps and spurs? You bet your sweet cow pie.
In Screwdrivered, Alice Clayton pits Superman against Clark in a hilarious and hot battle that delights a swooning Viv/Vivian.
Also within this book, an answer to the question of the ages: Why ride a cowboy when you can ride a librarian?
Nicole turned the page with abated breath. Anticipation coursing through her veins and her heart racing with just the thought of what was to come. Would she choose the raunchy cowboy with glistening abs? Or will the debonair librarian come in and sweep her off her feet with intellectual foreplay? Wait, this isn't my romance novel. Sadly, I don’t have a cowboy or a hot librarian. That is all for Viv, or Vivian, as Clark likes to call her.
Screwdrivered is just the newest addition to the Cocktail series by the lovely Alice Clayton. In it we meet Viv Franklin (or again if you've read Rusty Nailed), a high school friend of our resident Wallbanger Simon. Viv is a spitfire with a not-so-secret romance novel fetish. Just when she is feeling the itch for a new adventure in her life, she suddenly learns that she has inherited a house and land across country from a very distant relative. I mean, come on, don’t we all wish this would happen?

There is so much I could go into detail about this book, but I think that would just spoil it. I will say that as you expect with an Alice Clayton novel, there will be laughs and thigh clenching. The build up in this one was epic. The whole time I felt like a cheerleader on the sidelines with my pom-poms cheering Viv on. This may have been my favorite of the three, but I still will always love my Wallbanger. Though, I wouldn't mind a little time in the stacks with that librarian or in the barn with the cowboy either.

I dread the way librarians are pictured in books, but I'll definitely try that one, thanks for sharing ;)