"Thirsty Thursdays" is an original weekly feature where we highlight all that makes our mouth water in the world of books. Join us each week where we will pick either a quote, book cover, book boyfriend or kiss from our favorite books, that makes us all swoony. Please link back to us each week, we'd love for you to share what wets your whistle, as well!
Week eight! Can you believe it? I know we can't. So don't forget to pimp this out as much as you can so we can have more people join in on the fun! This week we're putting those covers that look innocent but have that hint of sexy.
Book: Dare Me by Megan Abbott
Swoon Quality: Lip biting, of course
Why: No matter what you read you know that lip biting is a sign of something, be it shyness, nervousness, embarrassment, arousal, etc., but something about the act is so innocently sexy that I found this the perfect cover for this weeks topic.
Swoon Quality: Glossy and red
Why: I am going to have to agree with Keira this week. There is something about lips. These look like it was taken on an inhale and you know how you feel when you take that breath and just hold it… yeah. Innocent on the outside and devilish on the inside.
Until Next Time!
Hmm I don't think I have many lippery book covers. Huh.