Monday, August 11, 2014

Cocktails with Alice Clayton! Signing write-up!

This signing was exactly what I thought it would be. When you get Alice Clayton, a woman who can write a smutty scene and still make you pee your pants laughing, you know you’re in for a good time.

Alice graced us with the pleasure of reading a scene from her soon to be released book, Screwdrivered, the third in the Cocktail series. This time it isn’t focused on Caroline and Simon, but instead Viv, a high school friend of Simon’s who makes the move out west. The scene that Alice read was hilarious as expected and a little bit swoony.

When she got into the question portion of the night, no stone was unturned. She talked about how she came to write both the Cocktail and Redhead series. Both starting out as first twilight fanfics. What I love about that is that she doesn’t shy away from where she got her start. She even talked about how before she became a fulltime writer she was a makeup artist and she even sold sex toys!

She even talked about her inspiration for the male leads in her books are. She said that Robert Pattinson was the inspiration for the lead in the Redhead series. When she writes Simon she sees Jensen Ackles from the show Supernatural. He is based off a guy she knew in high school. He was very successful young and he took his money and traveled the world. He would post all these beautiful pictures on facebook and whatnot. Unfortunately, he passed away not to long ago she said.

We then talked a little about why her books work so well with the balance of sex and humor. Alice said “if a guy can keep going through a cat throwing up in the corner, he’s a keeper.”

So ladies, find that guy that can knock your socks off and keep you laughing all night.

Don't forget that we are giving away signed copies of both Wallbanger and Rusty Nailed! Enter today!