This might be my favorite top ten ever! Before books were my addiction, movies and TV held the top spot. They still kinda do but now books are edging their way in. Anyhoo, Keira is talking TV and I get movies!

Jax Teller, motorcycles, Jax Teller's smile, Gemma Teller, leather, Jax Teller's backside, political statements, Jax Teller back dimples, bikers, Jax Teller bonding with his boys, drama, Jax Teller's everything else. *End annoying gushing*

The Gallaghers are my favorite dysfunctional family. I like them all. ALL. My ship: Mickey/Ian and I'm not the biggest slash fan, but these two make my heart pitter patter. Doesn't hurt that Lip is... unf.

I started GoT in season two and binged season one in the matter of two days. Love doesn't when begin to cover it.

Zombies. That's all.

I really had a hard time debating between Veronica Mars, which Nikki introduced me to way late, Silicon Valley, which is HILARIOUS, and this, but Ray won out. Liev Schreiber plays dangerous, sexy, and broken. This was my favorite TV show premiered in 2013.

How can someone think of horror movies and not think of this one? It changed the game of horror and I love Wes Craven for it. I mean, I was seriously scared to answer my phone for weeks!
"I love my dead gay son!" I mean, what other movie can turn teen suicide into the darkest and funniest movie ever? None! I can sit and spit out line after line of this movie.
This is the ultimate holiday movie. I have to watch it at least three times during the Christmas season. It has probably every British Harry Potter ever, and the best scene between two people who will never be together. All I have to say is Rick Grimes and poster board and you know what I'm talking about.
If anyone were to ever ask "What's Nikki's favorite movie?" THIS would be the answer. It was December 1997, I was 11 years old and seeing this on the big screen changed my life as I know it. I can practically repeat this verbatim, I go to sleep listing to the score every night. (Yeah, I'm crazy) Most people would call this cheesy and over the top love story. And it is. But who says that is bad? You jump I jump, right?
Favorite actress: Sandra Bullock. Nuff said.

Heathers! I was sure Titanic would have taken your #1 spot.
ReplyDeleteI had no order :P It was how the pics went in.
ReplyDeleteKeira- Sons of Anarchy! I really like that show. I am SO far behind in it though. Like I think I might be in Season 3. I really need to catch up soon! The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones also made my list. I haven't watched the other two yet.
ReplyDeleteNikki- I haven't seen all of your movie picks, only Titanic and Love Actually, but I did like those two. And I think I'll need to check out Heathers soon!
Great list! :D
Oh my goodness, Stepphanie, you have to catch up. Last season felt so flat then all of the sudden it was awesome! Definitely watch Heathers, too. It's one of my favorite '80s movies. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by!
I love Heathers! If you do check it out stop back by and let us know what you think. :)