Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday! Characters I Would Want With Me On A Deserted Island

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

We've all played this game before; who would you want on a deserted island with you. I usually pick Leo DiCaprio but I'm selfish like that. Now we're doing it with book characters. Lets see who gets frisky in the sand.

  • Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy - Girl can kick some serious ass, okay?
  • Kai from The Blooming Goddess Trilogy - Hot god? Yes and please. He could protect and... other things. The son of Hades would make the perfect companion.
  • Karou from The Daughter of Smoke and Bone - Just like Rose Karou can handle her own. She's resourceful, and chances are, she would have some of those wishes with her.
  • Bennett Ryan from Beautiful Bastard - Nothing better to distract you from life off the grid than the filthy whispers of a beautiful man.
  • Katniss from The Hunger Games - Obviously Katniss is the queen of survival. She can hunt, she can fight, she's one crafty cookie.
  • Peeta from The Hunger Games - Since Keira took Katniss I'll take lover boy. I mean he stays cool in the face of danger and he makes bread. I love bread.
  • Tobias 'Four' Eaton from Divergent - He isn't my favorite leading man but he can kick some serious ass. And he isn't bad to look at. Back tattoo? Yes please.
  • Ansel from Sweet Filthy Boy - This is a purely selfish reason. He's hot, foreign, hot, knows how to use his body, and did I mention hot? Who's to say this island isn't off the coast of France? (I know nothing of geography)
  • Tana from The Coldest Girl in Coldtown - I figure I should have some female company. She is another one that is cool under pressure and is pretty bad ass.
  • Kat from Make it Count - I adore her sense of humor. I think we would have a good time just making jokes about fish and coconuts. 
Until next time!