Monday, June 20, 2016

Book Review: Dirty by Kylie Scott! (@KylieScottbooks)

Dirty (Dive Bar #1)
Author: Kylie Scott
Publication Date: April 19, 2016
Published: St. Martin's Griffin

My Rating:

The last thing Vaughan Hewson expects to find when he returns to his childhood home is a broken hearted bride in his shower, let alone the drama and chaos that comes with her.
Lydia Green doesn't know whether to burn down the church or sit and cry in a corner. Discovering the love of your life is having an affair on your wedding day is bad enough. Finding out it's with his best man is another thing all together. She narrowly escapes tying the knot and meets Vaughan only hours later.
Vaughan is the exact opposite of the picture perfect, respected businessman she thought she'd marry. This former musician-turned-bartender is rough around the edges and unsettled. But she already tried Mr. Right and discovered he's all wrong-maybe it's time to give Mr. Right Now a chance.
After all, what's wrong with getting dirty?

Waiting for this book to come out felt like I was in Westeros waiting for winter to come. Finally though, it came and it was glorious. Everything thing about this was 10s across the board. The characters were full and vibrant. The writing was on point. And the story flowed as smoothly as wine in Tyrion’s goblet. (Game of Thrones references FTW!)

Lydia was running from the worst wedding known to man, her own. When your fiancé turns out to be boning his best man, I think it’s time not to say I Do. And to add to the pile of crap, Lydia adds some breaking and entering when she finds her way through an open window to the neighbor’s house and takes refuge in the bathtub. As one does when fleeing a wedding. What she wasn’t expecting was to come face to crotch with a very impressive ex-rocker named Vaughn.

I loved Vaughn when we got the glimpse of him in the Stage Dive series. Having him in here and getting to see the various layers to him was a treat. Dealing with being back in his hometown after the death (figuratively) of his band and his parents (literately), finding a runaway bride in his tub wasn’t the worst thing. Add in the attraction and the humor, you have a dirty yet delicious recipe for a great read.

Kylie’s writing flowed perfectly that I found it hard to put down. Her characters are dynamic and relatable at the same time. Lydia wasn’t your typical leading lady and even though Vaughn was a rocking dream, nothing about him felt cliché. I walked away from this one wanting much more and now waiting for the sequel, Twist, means I’m back in Westeros. Bring on the wine!