Happy July! We are more than halfway done with the year. Crazy, I know. *Shameless plug* Have you seen our giveaway? If not, GET THERE! We are giving away some awesome prizes. But on to what you're here for.

Author: Lisa Aldin
Release Date: February 2015

Tomboy to the core, Toni Valentine understands guys. She'll take horror movies, monster hunts and burping contests over manicures any day. So Toni is horrified when she's sent to the Winston Academy for Girls, where she has to wear a skirt and learn to be a "lady" while the guys move on without her.
Then Toni meets Emma Elizabeth, a girl at school with boy troubles, and she volunteers one of her friends as a pretend date to make Emma's ex jealous. Soon word spreads of Toni’s connections with boys, and she discovers that her new wealthy female classmates will pay big money for fake dates. Looking for a way to connect her old best friends with her new life at school, Toni and Emma start up Toni Valentine’s Rent-A-Gent Service.
But the business meets a scandal when Toni falls for one of her friends—the same guy who happens to be the most sought-after date. With everything she's built on the line, Toni has to decide if she wants to save the business and her old life, or let go of being one of the guys for a chance at love.

I legit got giddy when I found this on goodreads. At first it was the title, reminded me of one of my favorite movies from the 80s, Just One Of The Guys. But when I started reading the synopsis, it went in a total different direction than I thought and that made me even more excited. I can foresee this being one of my most sought of books of 2015. And I haven't been this excited about a YA book in a while.

Author: Jandy Nelson
Release Date: September 16, 2014
Jude and her brother, Noah, are incredibly close twins. At thirteen, isolated Noah draws constantly and is falling in love with the charismatic boy next door, while daredevil Jude surfs and cliff-dives and wears red-red lipstick and does the talking for both of them. But three years later, Jude and Noah are barely speaking. Something has happened to wreck the twins in different and divisive ways . . . until Jude meets a cocky, broken, beautiful boy, as well as an unpredictable new mentor. The early years are Noah's story to tell. The later years are Jude's. What the twins don't realize is that they each have only half the story, and if they could just find their way back to one another, they’d have a chance to remake their world.
This radiant, fully alive, sometimes very funny novel from the critically acclaimed author of The Sky Is Everywhere will leave you breathless and teary and laughing—often all at once.

Last year I read this little book called The Sky is Everywhere, and I fell in love. Jandy Nelson's writing was poetically perfect. When I saw she had a new book coming out I did one of those mental cartwheels, but only because I can't physically do one. I'm so excited for this story that I almost don't want to read it. Like, it has to be good.
What are you guys waiting for this week?
And don't forget to join in tomorrow for Thirsty Thursdays where we will be talking about first kisses!
Until Next Time