This is a really good top ten topic for this week. Especially being on tax day, we're going to list bookish things we want that aren't books! Thanks to the ladies at The Broke and The Bookish, we bring you our list of stuff!

- A kindle, not the fire, but the original, e-ink, glare free screen. I love my Nook. I love my iPad, but there are just some places where they're impossible to read on.
- A large bookcase for my living room.
- Book shelving for my bedroom. Having books scattered everywhere is my idea of sexy, but hey, it's not everyone's.
- A new case for my Nook. Old pinky is looking kinda rough.
- A team Morpheous tee, Not just some oversized tee that says team Morph either, but like something with intricately designed moth wings and cool blues. Yes.

- A new Kindle case. I have the 2012 edition and since the new one came out last year, a lot of the cases I once saw aren't around. So I think I would like a custom one.
- Maybe a new bookish tattoo. I already have 'Mischief Managed' down my right forearm. I kinda want to finish it with more harry potter quotes.
- A The Fault in Our Stars quote necklace from DFTBA. All of them have been out of stock and I'm dying to get my hands on one.
- Some really pretty book shelves or a really interesting bookcase. Like in the shape of a tree or something. I'm running out of space for my books as is.
- I would love a reading/breakfast nook. Somewhere I could just curl up and read without worry.With lots of pillows too.
Until Next Time!