"Thirsty Thursdays" is an original weekly feature where we highlight all that makes our mouth water in the world of books. Join us each week where we will pick either a quote, book cover, book boyfriend or kiss from our favorite books, that makes us all swoony. Please link back to us each week, we'd love for you to share what wets your whistle, as well!
Happy Halloween Eve! Sorry about last week but we're making it up today. Now what goes better with Halloween other than some villains?
Hottest Female Villain: Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz
Hottest Male Villain: James from Twilight
Swoon quality: Sadistic, that is all.
Why: I admit it, I was once a Twihard. This villain was sexy, he was demented, he made me swoon a little. One of the only true vampires in the serious.
Swoon quality: Everything
Why: Pure evilness. There is no one more evil in my eyes. I swear she eats babies or something.
Hottest Male Villain: Eric from Divergent
Swoon quality: So bad he’s sexy
Why: I’m not big on saying that all villains are misunderstood but something about him feels that way. I kind of got his twisted ideals.
Until Next Time!
Great picks, you guys! And these are some pretty nasty villains you've got. lol :)