Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.
Sadly we only have nine this week but nine is better than none!

Gone Girl - This book is a two parter and each part concentrated on the two main characters, but in very different ways.
Bridget Jones' Diary - The title says it all.
Looking for Alaska - Another character titled book and this is mostly ALL about Alaska.
We Were Liars - Admittedly, I didn't like this as much as most people, but characterizations were important and made the story.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone - Who is Karou? That is the question.

The Beginning of Everything - If it wasn't about Ezra and his groups of friends, then I don't know what it was about at all.
The Geography of You and Me - This book wouldn't work any other way. Even though there are other characters, the main two really drive the story. They are what you're invested in.
Attachments - This is a weird one because two of the characters you only meet through emails throughout the whole book. However, it works.
Geoducks Are For Lovers - This is one of my favorites because it is a group dynamic one. All of the characters are friends and even though one character is the focus, it works best with them all.
Until Next Time