Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Book Review: Virgin by Radhika Sanghani (@radhikasanghani)

Virgin by Radhika Sanghani
Publication Date: August 5, 2014
Published: Berkley
Source: eARC from Netgalley

My Rating:
Okay, I admit it…I didn’t do it.
This is normal, right? I mean, just because everyone I know has talked like they’ve already done it doesn’t mean that they’re telling the truth…right?
It’s not like I’m asking for that much. I don’t need the perfect guy. I don’t need candlelight or roses. Honestly, I don’t even need a real bed.
The guys I know complain that girls are always looking for Mr. Right—do I have to wear a sign that says I’m only looking for Mr. Right Now?
Sooooo…anyone out there want sex? Anyone? Hello? Just for fun?
I am not going to die a virgin. One way or another I am going to make this happen.
Hey, what have I got to lose? Besides the obvious.

Laugh out loud funny!

I was up until early morning reading this title because I simply couldn't put it down. Ellie reminded me of girls I know both from when I was twenty-one years, and now, a decade later. While my only gripe with the book was that she seemed a bit immature at times, I found her and her friends relatable. What woman hasn't felt poorly about her own vagina? Furthermore, why aren't more people talking about it?

The story was nothing like I expected. Every character added a new layer, even ugly emo boy she met at the bar, who was in the story for all of two pages. Virgin may have been Ellie's story, but I felt it was also Emma and Lara's. It was good to see a book that didn't shame women for accepting their sluttiness, or even lack thereof. When the HEA came about, it wasn't Ellie depending on a man for her own happiness, but rather finally coming to terms with herself. I loved that.

Despite the lines that made me cringe, such as those about smelly vag, I was glad to see these realistic womanly concerns on paper.
"The smell. Vaginas do not smell like roses and lavender - even when we used to spritz them with perfume before a night out. They may look like flowers, but they do not smell like flowers. They smell like the unique combination of sex, sweat and salmon. And that's when we don't have our periods."

Maybe someone will agree with this. Personally? I like to think I smell like lavender.

Virgin is brave, smart, hilarious, and engaging; a literary mash-up of American Pie and Muriel's Wedding, yet, a story all its own.

Until Next Time!