Saturday, June 21, 2014

Stacking The Shelves #9

Stacking The Shelves, a weekly meme hosted Tynga's Reviews, is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Due to the addition of a new feature, starting tomorrow, we have moved Stacking the Shelves to Saturday, and man do we have books, books galore! 

  • Virgin by Radhika Sanghani - Looks like reading the Netgalley emails paid off. After getting Only With You, I tried my luck at this one. I am so glad. It so far is hilarious. This is a read for anyone who has ever felt out of the loop.
  • The 100 Society by Carla Spadbery - Another Netgalley find. Recently I have been trying to find books in genres I haven't really read before. Thriller isn't really my go to, so this should be interesting.
  •  Tangled by Emma Chase - This has been on my wishlist for a long time. When I get in the mood for something a bit naughty, this will be my read.
  •  Guy in Real Life by Steve Brezenoff - One of my most anticipated reads of 2014. I can't wait to start this. I am heavy in the virtual world, so to see it in a book like this seems very interesting.

  • Losing It by Cora Cormack - I heard about Faking It and hadn't realized it was part of a series. When I looked up the book and realized Losing It came first I rushed to read the synopsis and found I was more interested in it and added both to my TBR.
  • Hate List by Jennifer Brown - This has been on my list for a while, but I've just gotten around to buying it. My guess is it's a mood book. Hopefully I'll be in the mood soon.
  • Half Bad by Sally Green - Found this on a Top Ten Tuesday list recently. I'm not sure what to expect, but the reviews look promising.
  • Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles - Have you ever wanted to read something, but you're just not sure? That's been me with Perfect Chemistry for over a year now. Now that I have it I plan on getting to this ASAP.
  •  Boy Toy by Barry Lyga - While looking up books about teacher/student relationships I came across Boy Toy. It wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but the story is about something that we see all-too-often in society and I wanted to hear this authors take on it.
  • Pretty by Jillian Lauren -My sister gave me this to read recently. If you checked out my survey Thursday then you know my worst bookish habit is to look at reviews before I start a book and sometimes in the middle. I checked out the rating of Pretty the moment I got it. While it may not be top rated I'm optimistic and look forward to reading this tale. 

That's it for this week! Make sure to leave us the link to your haul so we can see what you're reading next!

Until Next Time!