Monday, June 9, 2014

Getting filthy with Christina Lauren! (@BeautifulBastrd)

That is what I saw the moment I headed to the independent bookstore Boulevard Books & Cafe in Brooklyn. And get filthy we did! Wine included.

 When Christina and Lauren arrived to the bookstore, everyone in attendance was vibrating with excitement. This was their second time signing at this bookstore and it was my first time meeting them.

After a wonderful introduction, we all got down and dirty with the best friend authors. They talked about being back in New York, having not been here many times even though most of their books are set here. They admitted to becoming best friends with goggle earth and we all even joked about having a Beautiful tour with all the locations from the second and third books in the Beautiful Bastard series. We were even surprised by a special guest, Kresley Cole came with the ladies.

Before the question portion of the night, both Christina and Lauren read excerpts from their latest book, Sweet Filthy Boy.

Lauren read a scene between Mia and Ansel involving a little devil's costume. It was hot and the ladies revealed that they aren't the only ones who like when Ansel comes in and puts his helmet down.

Christina read a scene as well but before she could get into it, they got Kresley Cole to read a short passage from the book. Specifically a scene where Ansel has to roll on a condom. To say Kresley blushed is an understatement.

Christina read her scene of where Ansel and Mia ride the train together after a "date". Where as the other two scenes were very steamy, this was sweet and showed more of a romantic dynamic to the couple.

After we got our excerpts, the ladies answered all of our dying questions. I asked a few, mostly about their writing style. They mentioned how they outlined together and how they handled the 'voices' of the characters especially with their books that have dual point of views. Sweet Filthy Boy breaks that mold and is told just from Mia.

There was also talk about fandom and fanfiction. It is no secret that both of these ladies came from that world. It was refreshing to see them embrace that and even laugh about it. Lauren called a sex scene a 'lemon' and I almost fell out of my seat. It is a term I hadn't heard in such a long time and to see that these two successful authors talk about Beautiful Bastards' beginnings as The Office without any disgust was incredible.

There were a lot of questions about their other popular book, Beautiful Bastard and its upcoming film adaptation. We found out that there IS a script written and both Christina and Lauren are very happy with it.

They also announced that not only will there be more books in the Wild Seasons series, (Sweet Filthy Boy is the first) there will be more in the Beautiful Bastard series as well! Along with those upcoming titles, they have a young adult novel due to come out this October.

When it came time to sign books, both Christina and Lauren were so nice and so happy to meet all of us and sign our books. I had them sign Beautiful Stranger, Beautiful Player and Sweet Filthy Boy. I even got to talk to them about writing and fandom and even all of the french used in SFB.

I can't wait till I get to see them again and to read their new work. Not only are they great authors, they are great people.

Until Next Time!