Publication Date: March 4, 2014
Published: Galley Books - Simon & Schuster
Source: eARC from Netgalley
My Rating:

An emotional love story that follows the touch-and-go relationship of Hayden and Tenley; two young people who desperately want to love and be loved but are afraid to completely let go of their pasts.As Hayden and Tenley navigate their newfound but slightly unstable relationship, they want to trust each other, but Hayden is hiding a dark and shameful past that he doesn't ever want Tenley to find out about. And Tenley has secrets of her own that could make Hayden run away forever. When Tenley asks Hayden to put a beautifully elaborate tattoo across her back, the two form what they thought was an unshakeable bond. But when Tenley's past shows up on her doorstep, will Hayden stand by her side...or run?First I want to say thank you to Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books and Net Galley for providing me with an ARC of this book.
Now both me and Keira came from the Twilight fanfiction world. We've read it, written it, and even played a little of it. (Thank you twitter roleplay.) But personally when it came to fics that would get published, I was a little apprehensive. There will be times when I've read a fic from fanfiction.net and think "Damn, I wish that was a book so I could read it anytime I want.". Clipped Wings and Inked Armor was one of them. Then I saw that the story along with the author's others disappeared from the internet and it was terribly sad. So when I saw that one of my favorite stories was being published, I squealed in delight on a public bus.
Enough of that, on to the first installment, Clipped Wings. When I saw that the story would be broken up into two books, I didn't know how she made that happen. From the beginning you could tell that she changed a lot of it. The beginning alone felt like a different story from the fanfiction I once read. But that wasn't a bad thing. One of the things I really liked was the fact that the story is told from both the perspectives of Hayden and Tenley.
Hayden is the tattoo artist with a touch of OCD, a tortured past, and a growing crush/obsession with the new employee of his aunt's bookstore across the street. Tenley is the meek yet mysterious object of Hayden's affections. Pieces of Tenley's tragic journey of how she ended up moving from her home in Minnesota to Chicago unveil when she comes to Hayden to had a beautiful back tattoo placed on her.
The way Helena depicts the lifestyle of a tattoo artist was amazing. There were times in the story that you could imagine being in the shop waiting to get inked or pierced. Another thing that comes across as amazing, is the game of cat and mouse Tenley and Hayden go through. Both have had extreme and terrible things happen to them that has shaped them into who they are. On paper they shouldn't be together but it is the one thing that makes sense. Leaning on each other to mask the pain they fight every day is beautiful. The unresolved sexual tension is great too. Hayden is drop dead sexy with his inked covered body and piercings in all the right places. There is no wonder why Tenley gets flustered every time she is around him.
If you let me I can go on and on about this but I won't! Make sure you pick up your copy of it March 4th. But in the mean time, get a copy of the prequel novella, Cupcakes and Ink. It's out now!

Until next time!